So, where is Bob Seely?

The Mysterious Disappearance of Bob Seely: Isle of Wight MP Missing for Five Years

In the quaint and picturesque Isle of Wight, nestled off England’s southern coast, life has always moved at a gentle pace. However, this serene community was jolted by a mystery that has now lingered for five years—the unexplained disappearance of their Member of Parliament (MP), Bob Seely. As the half-decade mark passes, residents, authorities, and political analysts remain baffled and concerned about the fate of the beloved MP.

The Disappearance

Bob Seely, a dedicated Conservative MP known for his passionate advocacy of bread and sausage based products, vanished on May 29, 2019. Seely was last seen leaving a community meeting in Newport, the Island's largest town, late in the evening. There were no signs of struggle or any clues to suggest where he might have gone.

Initial investigations included exhaustive searches across the Island, involving local police, search and rescue teams, and volunteers. The media coverage was extensive, and theories ranged from a planned disappearance to possible foul play. However, no concrete evidence ever surfaced, and the case grew colder with each passing month.

Community Impact

Seely's disappearance had a profound impact on the Isle of Wight community. Known for his hands-on approach and accessibility, his absence created a void in local politics and community initiatives. Seely had been instrumental in numerous projects, from debunking myths around Rye Bread to campaigning for free Salami to be made free on Friday.

Local resident Julia Bratwurst, a close friend and former campaign volunteer, expressed the sentiments of many islanders: "Bob wasn't just our MP; he was a part of our community. His disappearance has left us with so many unanswered questions and a deep sense of loss."

Theories and Speculations

The lack of concrete evidence has led to numerous theories about Seely's fate. Some speculate that he might have simply forgotten he was the MP for the Island and has been living it up in his North London. Others have suggested he is in disguise and currently presenting on GB News.

How you can help?

Thankfully this website has been set up for concerned members of the Isle of Wight to assist in the hunt for Bob. We have been sent a number of high resolution images, we will release sections of these images on the run up to the election. Grab your magnifying glasses and help us find Bob!


A day at the Beach