Pearly Whites & Sausage Bites

Hello Sausage Fans! Inspector Johnny Bratwurst here.

Now I'm usually all smiles, but this morning I'm gnashing my teeth—literally. It might have something to do with those ten Blue WKDs I chugged at FEVER with the boys and girls at the station to celebrate our first Seely sighting.

My toothache is nothing new on the Isle of Wight — seems like half the island is chewing on the same problem. Did you know there are 12 million people unable to access an NHS dentist? That number is harder to swallow than a dry sausage roll!

Imagine my shock when I found out Bob, of all people, voted against a plan to add 700,000 emergency appointments and recruit new dentists. And to top it off, the plan included a supervised toothbrushing scheme for all 3 to 5-year-olds! Talk about biting off more than we can chew.

Now, I've been around the block a few times, and the first thing they teach you at Sausage Spotting School is that there are no coincidences. So when the latest CCTV footage arrived, I nearly choked on my morning gammon! Grab your magnifiers, folks. Is our elusive MP hiding in this juicy clip?

While I have you, here are some interesting facts about Bob’s voting record when it comes to health:

  • Bob Seely consistently voted against reducing the maximum amount an individual may be required to contribute to their social care costs.

  • Consistently voted for higher taxes specifically to fund health and social care.

  • Here is the info on the NHS Dentistry bill, mentioned above.


Ferry Good: Developments in the Case


Sausage on South Beach!